Customer Experience, E-Commerce

How to Personalize Your Brand in E-commerce

Personalized Shopping Experinece on an e-commerce website video chat with a shopping assitant illustration

We’re in the world of e-commerce where personalized experiences are key. In the age of personalized interactions, it’s time to step up your ecommerce game with personalization.

You need to know where your customers are, even if you’re selling something as basic as water. Otherwise, they may have trouble finding you. Or else, you’ll get undercut by someone else if you don’t know what they’re willing to spend. 

If you want your business to thrive, you’ve got to consider your customers.

So, how can you make your e-commerce site feel like a personalized haven? Do you want to make your customers feel special and keep them coming back? 

Then you need to think about how to make your website more user-friendly. Look at how to customize your product recommendations. Personalize discounts based on your customers’ preferences. Make the checkout process seamless. Create systems and processes for collecting, analyzing, and using customer data. 

And there is so much more I’ll tell you in this blog post. So stay with me.


What is Personalization in eCommerce?

Personalization is a process that enables businesses to tailor customer journeys and experiences to the needs and preferences of each customer. 

Your ecommerce business can have both a website and an app. It is important to emphasize the customer experience. No matter how the customer interacts with your brand, their needs must be understood and considered.

Paul Graham, co-founder of startup accelerator Y Combinator, says:

“You can’t wait for customers to come to you. You have to figure out where they are, go there, and bring them back to your store.” 

With personalization, the brand revolves around the customer, who is put in the spotlight. 

Personalization scales when the business continues to revolve around the client. 93% of B2B CEOs claim that by personalizing their ecommerce businesses, revenue grows.


Types of Personalization in eCommerce

There are different types of personalization, each with a unique strategy and set of data sources. Along with additional details and examples, the following are the three primary types of personalization.


1. Explicit Personalization

Explicit personalization depends on users’ knowingly submitted data. This form of personalization requires users to divulge their preferences, traits, and interests. 

The gathered data is considered reliable and is not based on assumptions or fabricated information.

Here are some examples of how you can achieve explicit personalization:

Surveys: Here, users are asked specific questions to learn about their preferences and opinions.

Form Fills: Users fill out forms with their personal details. It could be their demographics or their product preferences.

Browsing history: In this, you analyze the websites or pages users visit.

Purchase History: Track previous purchases to give users tailored product recommendations or promotions.


2. Implicit Personalization

An implicit personalization algorithm figures out customers preferences based on their behavior and actions. You can analyze your customer’s tastes and offer them personalized experiences.

So, how you do it is the real deal. I’ll explain with some examples.

Recommendations based on previous purchases:

Examine the user’s past purchases to recommend related or complementary products. For example, a user purchases a laptop. The recommendation system might suggest accessories such as a laptop bag, a mouse, or an external hard drive.


Personalized content recommendations based on surfing activity: 

Use information on visitors’ content consumption or interaction. For instance, a user watched a tutorial video on a product page. You can recommend related products or content pieces to them on their next visit.

Email campaigns target people based on their prior interactions. Such as emails they have opened or links they have clicked on.


3. Contextual Personalization

You can deliver relevant and personalized content based on previously collected information about the user. The use of contextual data can improve user experiences and make users more likely to take desired actions.

Contextual personalization examples include:

Location data:

Provide location-specific information or services based on the user’s present location. Such as nearby retail locations or local weather updates. 

You can also use location data to personalize the user experience. For example, providing them with restaurant recommendations or local news updates based on their interests. 

Also, it helps with navigation, so users can find their way faster.


Device data:

Users can get the best experience on whatever device they’re on with this type of personalization. It also makes sure the content displays correctly, so the user experience is better. 

For example, a website’s navigation bar could be moved to the bottom of the page to make it easier to access on a mobile device. Or a mobile app could use a device’s camera to scan barcodes.

You can combine and apply these personalization strategies in conjunction to give users better and more useful experiences.

It’s easier to understand customers, meet their demands, and boost user satisfaction if you use explicit, implicit, and contextual personalization.


Also read: How Live Video Shopping are Boosting Online Sales in the Beauty Industry


How to Create a Personalized eCommerce Experience: 8 Tips for Your Brand

McKinsey research shows that 71 percent of consumers want personalized service from brands. When this doesn’t happen, 76 percent get frustrated. 

Similarly, in a survey, 72 percent of consumers said they wanted businesses to recognize and treat them as individuals.

I know there’s a lot to think about, and you’re feeling anxious.

Let’s brainstorm and come up with creative ways to make your customers happy and returning. 

Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. 

Your business can take off with personalization if you use it correctly. Make your ecommerce more personalized with these tips.


1. Data Collection and Analysis

Personalization in ecommerce starts with data collection and analysis. The changing demands of consumers require brands to be better at using strategic data. 

You need to develop a strategic plan. This plan gives you 20% of the crucial information that powers 80% of experiential marketing. 

Customer browsing behavior, purchase history, location, and demographics can provide you with valuable insight into your customers. 

With this data, you can create customer profiles and segments. This way, you will better understand your customers and personalize your ecommerce strategy. 

The thing is, you’ll be able to give your customers exactly what they want, even before they ask.

I’m sure you’re wondering how I get all this data.

You can track customer behavior on your ecommerce website using data analytics tools. This includes pages they visit, products they view, and items they buy. 

You can use this info to tailor their shopping experience based on their preferences, interests, and buying patterns. 

People tend to stick with companies that give them value for their money and time.


2. Segmentation and Targeting

Customer segmentation is key to any successful marketing strategy. 

Just like the name says. You divide your customers into smaller groups based on common characteristics or behaviors.

Customer segmentation helps marketers understand what people like and dislike based on their interests. In other words, it involves getting to know your customers. 

When you segment your customers, you can target each segment with personalized marketing. 

There are lots of factors to consider when segmenting, like 

  • demographics
  • purchase history
  • browsing behavior 
  • engagement level, and more.

For example, you can segment your customers by their purchase history. Put them into three categories: loyal customers, occasional shoppers, and first-timers. 

Send exclusive promotions and discounts to loyal customers. Offer incentives to occasional shoppers to convert them. And give personalized recommendations to first-time buyers to get them back.

Pretty simple, right?

But how do you do that? Email is the best (and sometimes only) way to reach out to potential customers.

Even when Google’s algorithm and social media outlook shift, email marketing continues to deliver results. 

You can get up to 35% higher open rates and CTR by addressing the recipient by name. A good example of personalization is using the recipient’s name or contacting them on their birthday.  

An example of a personalized subject line in an email is: “Alex, your wishlist is waiting for you.” Adding this info to subject lines drives more clicks.

Spotify, Nike, and Starbucks are just a few of the brands that have successfully mastered personalization.

In 2023, you should send more personalized emails with the content your customers want. Keep users informed about the products and info they’re interested in.


3. Personalized Recommendations

You know what ecommerce recommendations are, right? Brands suggest things their customers might like and buy based on what they think they’ll like.

If you want to keep customers satisfied while increasing sales, offer e-commerce product recommendations. Personalizing ecommerce provides several advantages. Like 

  • It enhances user interaction.
  • Lowers cart abandonment.
  • Raise the average order value.

In a physical store, sales associates offer recommendations. A salesperson may tell the customer to buy something based on how well it’s been doing.

But ecommerce businesses use data and algorithms to make recommendations.

For example, customers browse graphic t-shirts in an online fashion store. When they go back, they might see recommendations for graphic t-shirts they haven’t seen before. Similarly, the retailer might email personalized outfit ideas after they purchase a graphic t-shirt.

Customers aren’t just inspired and made to feel unique. You can also cross-sell, which makes you money. 

So, recommend products based on customer browsing habits and similar interests or demographics. Personalized recommendations can help customers find relevant products and make informed decisions.

For example, ConvertCart suggests personalized product recommendations and pop-up offers to get more clients.


4. Personalized Promotions and Discounts

Promoting and selling products using personalized offers has recently become more popular.

Personalized offers are promotions and discounts that are tailored to the purchasing patterns of customers. In this strategy, you offer personalized and relevant incentives to increase customer engagement and sales. This isn’t like having generic discounts available to everyone.

70% of customers want personalized ecommerce experiences with individualized attention. Customers like being reminded about stuff they’ve shown interest in before. Also, they appreciate vouchers for products they buy a lot of. Or a nice discount when they’re first starting out. 

Marketers often make decisions based on historical data. So instead of guessing what customers want, use predictive analytics. You can also make tailored, well-considered offers that encourage loyalty.


Another study by McKinsey & Company shows that companies that use predictive analytics to send personalized offers and promotions to their customers increase revenue by 10-15% and customer retention rates by 5-10%.

The only way to know what’s working is to use client data to uncover patterns, trends, and preferences.

For example, you can send targeted promotions to customers who abandon their shopping carts. Then you can offer them discounts or incentives to make the purchase. 

Also, you can give discounts to previous customers who have purchased from a specific category. Or you can reward loyal customers who’ve made multiple purchases. 

You’ll find future marketers providing relevant and updated content. That means you should work on delivering relevant, quick, and proactive information. Each time you engage a customer, you’re operating in a continuous flow.

There are a lot of ways you can offer personalized promotions and discounts. The result will be a more loyal customer base and repeat purchases.

By doing so, you’ll build deeper, richer relationships with your customers.

Also read: Promoting Livestream Shopping Events: The Insider’s Guide to Boosting Sales

5. Personalized Content

What’s the point? I know what you’re thinking. Personalized content involves delivering tailored content to customers based on their preferences, interests, and behaviors. You can personalize product descriptions, blog posts, articles, or other types of content related to your customer’s interests.

Personalized content engages customers and provides them with valuable information. This directly influences customers’s buying decisions.

For example, you can use customer data to create dynamic content on your website.

This includes personalized product recommendations or content that showcases products based on a customer’s browsing history or purchase behavior.

You can also send personalized newsletters or emails to customers with relevant content.

As a core aspect of content personalization, this involves tailoring content to the preferences of certain users. It improves interaction between a company and its audience.

Additionally, personalization targets a specific market segment. You might be able to meet more demands that way.

This increases consumer happiness, the likelihood of a return, and more purchases.


Also read: Creating Compelling Live Content: Delivering Value and Boosting Sales

6. Personalized Landing Page

Your customers may lose interest even before they read your relevant message. To avoid this, make your landing page personalized and engaging.

A personalized landing page can help users find what they need faster and more easily. This reduces the likelihood of them leaving the site without purchasing.

  • Make your landing page mobile-friendly so you can reach mobile customers.
  • Avoid using too many keywords. Keywords are essential for optimizing a dynamic landing page. But overusing them in the body text is a surefire way to turn off visitors.
  • You should continue to conduct A/B tests. Find out how buyers from different regions react to discounts and other special offers.

That’s how Shopify’s trial landing page looks. 

The Shopify website uses a few key points to convince users of the product’s excellence instead of lots of text. Shopify’s landing page emphasizes its all-in-one platform’s easy-to-use nature and trustworthiness.

There’s nothing better than a landing page with a clean interface. Headlines appeal to users, graphics are simple, and paragraphs explain what the trial has to offer. Users can quickly get started selling online with Shopify’s tool by filling out only a few fields before the call-to-action (CTA).

Function of Beauty’s ecommerce home page is another interesting dynamic landing page. This is what it usually looks like.

The fun starts when visitors click through the quiz funnel. The more personal your landing pages are, the more likely customers are to shop with you.


7. Personalized Customer Support

A Forbes article says Netflix does 250 A/B tests a year and uses 300 million profiles to curate its watchlists.

There’s no question that the top brands are better at personalization. With their advanced consumer intelligence, they keep ahead of the curve. Their algorithms are based on information gathered from billions of online transactions.

As an ecommerce marketer, you need to learn how to launch campaigns that are highly relevant, appropriate, and captivating.

If you want to build a loyal customer base, you have to invest in personalized customer service. These are some examples of personalized customer service in e-commerce.


Live Chats and Chatbots:

Live chat and chatbots provide immediate support and guidance tailored to customers’ needs. Whether it’s solving simple problems or providing standard answers, it can all be done through this process. For instance, Shopify offers a chatbot called Kit to help companies manage their ads.

You can also add a one-to-one video chat feature to your e-commerce site. The Arvia one-to-one video chat widget lets customers get real-time help with product selection, sizing, and advice. 

Also read: 1:1 Video Chat: A Game-Changer for Online Furniture Shopping Experience

It also allows customers to build trust and confidence in their purchases. This helps to create a better customer experience and leads to increased customer loyalty.

Social Media Participation:

Giving customers personalized service is easy when interacting with them on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. You might give product recommendations, deal with customer complaints right away, and respond to emails.

Personalized customer service can increase customer loyalty, build stronger relationships, and drive repeat business. 

The more you understand and cater to your customers’ unique needs and preferences, the more engaged and satisfied they will be.

Also read: Live Commerce: An In-Depth Guide for E-Commerce Business Owners and Marketers

8. Personalized Exit Offers

One effective way to improve your website’s conversion rates is by personalizing your exit offers. 

Use exit offers with caution, because they may appear desperate, which could turn away potential customers.

To make exit offers more effective, it’s essential to frame them positively and keep them customer-centric. Make sure the offer adds value to the customer and is presented in a way that meets their needs.

For example, you could offer a discount, a bundle deal, or free shipping to get people to buy.

One example of a company that effectively uses exit offers is Express Gifts. Their technology detects exit behavior and offers personalized offers to encourage shoppers to finish their purchase. 

With this strategy, you can re-engage customers who may have otherwise left without buying. Resulting in increased sales.


Navigating the Personalization Landscape: Challenges and Considerations in Ecommerce

No matter whether you’re a well-known or an emerging brand, ecommerce businesses often run into these three challenges:

1. Insufficient SMS and Email Leads

Many e-commerce businesses struggle to generate enough leads through SMS and email campaigns. 

There are a lot of reasons for this. Like ineffective lead capture forms or low user engagement. 

For example, an e-commerce site may have lead capture forms that aren’t optimized, resulting in low conversions. There could also be a problem with trust or an unclear value proposition. This prevents users from providing their contact information.

A personalized promotional marketing email can increase unique click rates by 27%. If campaigns are not properly targeted, engagement rates can be low. Resulting in a lack of leads.


Let’s say you sell beauty products, and you’re having trouble getting enough email and SMS leads. 

In this case, you need to optimize your lead capture forms for mobile. You can also offer discounts or personalized content as an incentive. This is what I explained earlier in this article. 

Plus, you might have to explain the value of subscribing to their emails or SMS.


2. Low Conversion Rates:

Even with healthy website traffic, you may have trouble converting visitors into customers. It could be due to bad website design, confusing navigation, or no call-to-actions (CTAs). It’s common for e-commerce sites to get a lot of traffic, but only a little bit of it converts into sales.

A website’s conversion rate (CVR) measures how many people buy compared to how many people visit.

Let’s say your website gets 1,000 visitors a month, and out of those 1,000, 50 buy something.

The conversion rate (CVR) is calculated by dividing 50 by 1,000 to get a percentage and then multiplying by 100.

CVR = (Number of Purchases / Total Number of Visitors) x 100

CVR = (50 / 1,000) x 100 = 5%

As you can see, the website’s conversion rate (CVR) is 5%. It means that 5% of visitors made a purchase on the website, and 95% didn’t. 

So, how can you fix this? Keep reading if you don’t wanna miss it.


Let’s say you sell fitness equipment. You need to optimize your website design, simplify navigation, and create clear and compelling CTAs throughout the buyer’s journey.

A/B testing and analyzing user behavior data can also help identify and address conversion rate issues. Additionally, providing helpful content such as product reviews and customer testimonials will encourage potential customers to buy.

You can also include more payment alternatives. The Merchant Payments Ecosystem found that 50% of customers won’t buy if they can’t use their preferred payment method.

And the icing on the cake. Retargeting and personalization can also increase your ecommerce conversions.


3. Inadequate Average Order Value (AOV):

It can be tough for e-commerce businesses to get a high average order value. This is how much customers spend on average in a transaction. It could be low-priced products, a lack of upsells and cross-sells, or not incentivizing bigger purchases. 

If your average order value is low, your revenue and profits will be lower.

Shopify says the average order value is $75-$100 for e-commerce websites. However, you can boost your AOV significantly through upselling and cross-selling.


For example, if you sell home decor items, you might have trouble getting a good average order value. If that’s the case, you need to look at your prices and identify upsells and cross-sells. 

Use strategies like bundling, discounts for larger purchases, and personalized product recommendations to increase basket value.

These issues can be resolved through personalization. You can optimize lead generation, conversion rates, and average order value by leveraging personalization platforms. With these platforms, website visitors, email subscribers, and customers get personalized experiences based on data.


Essential Tools and Technologies for Successful Ecommerce Personalization

Personalization tools for ecommerce are a game-changer. It’s all about hooking up shoppers with the best product recommendations, offers, experiences, and ads while they’re navigating through their site. 

So how does it work? Well, it slices up search activity and other data into different groups, and figures out what visitors should see. 

Retailers can keep their customers coming back by giving them exactly what they want. You can improve conversions, lower acquisition costs, and improve retention with eCommerce personalization tools.

Find out what your users are interested in and what they do. Based on that, you can create thorough segments. Personalize all customer interactions, including messaging, content, and product recommendations.

It’s hard to tell which eCommerce personalization tool is right for you. Pick the right one by considering these three things:


Which channels is the tool compatible with?

Creating a tailored experience for a client across all touchpoints is what true personalization involves. Find a system that supports several personalization channels, like email, on-site, SMS, WhatsApp, etc.


What kind of data is required before personalization?

It’s challenging to personalize the experience for anonymous visitors. 

Some solutions need personal data, such as emails or phone numbers. While other sites let customers personalize. They don’t collect data. 

Your chances of converting new visitors go up with this strategy.

What’s the turnaround time for configuring and using the tool?

The sooner you set up your personalization tool, the quicker you’ll get a return on your investment. This is why some vendors offer pre-made templates and onboarding help. That way, you can get started quickly.

You have a lot of personalization opportunities as a business owner. I’ve listed a few essential tools below.

1. Your website or online store

Now you can finally make that online store you’ve always dreamed of, where you can sell your own line of products.

By now, you must have learned the importance of personalization in eccommerce. Go ahead and personalize your websites and online stores. 

You can get customer details from a sign-up or opt-in form. Make sure you keep track of your online store’s stats too. It’s a good way to ensure your content is tailored to your audience.

For example, you can suggest products to customers who come back. If they sign up for your email list, offer them a special deal.


You can do this with a tool called Insider. 

It combines on-site and email personalization capabilities on one platform. Insider has a lot of personalization tools, including: 

Customer Data Platform (CDP): To create detailed customer profiles, it combines data from CRM, POS, and contact centers. A CDP lets you customize client touch points based on their data.

A/B testing: There’s also A/B testing, so you can see what offers get the most interaction and conversions.

AI-powered smart recommendations: Insider also offers personalized product recommendations for your target demographic using AI. 

Square Online:

Square Online gives :customers a mobile shopping experience that looks like an app. They also offer personalized order screens that show dynamic landing pages based on users’ previous interactions. 

This tool allows users to register, track orders, and offer personalized recommendations.


2. Text and email marketing tools

Email is still one of the most private and direct lines of contact available for your business. 

According to “The Loop Marketing” survey, 52% of customers will go somewhere else if you don’t personalize your emails. 

Before you decide which email marketing tool to use, you should consider a few things.


You should look at the pricing options first since these can vary depending on the provider and your business needs. Look for email software with flexible pricing plans. Try out free trials or free-forever plans before you commit to a paid plan, so you know what the software can do.


Next, ease of use is crucial, especially for businesses with limited technical knowledge. You’ll want email software that’s easy to use for both novice and experienced marketers.


It’s important that your emails get to your recipients. Don’t waste money on email software that doesn’t deliver emails. You should instead look for an email tool that’s highly deliverable. It can greatly affect your email marketing.


Integrating your email software with other tools in your tech stack is also important. You’ll have a smoother workflow if you choose email software that incorporates lots of features.

Customer service

If you choose email software, make sure it offers timely and effective customer support. Look at reviews and ratings on review platforms to see how good customer support is.

You may create personalized email campaigns and establish one-on-one relationships with your customers using text and email marketing platforms like Mailchimp.


This tool lets businesses and individuals design and send professional emails to their subscribers. 

You can do A/B testing, automate campaigns, segment lists, and get analytics. You don’t need any design or coding skills to make stunning email campaigns. 

Mailchimp’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to create and manage email marketing campaigns, even for beginners. 

It’s a great tool for companies of all sizes because it integrates with Shopify, WordPress, and Salesforce. 

You can monitor campaign effectiveness and make data-driven decisions to maximize email marketing. Mailchimp also stresses the importance of email list maintenance and provides tools for expanding email lists.


This email and SMS marketing software boosts customer loyalty and sales for ecommerce businesses. You can sync data seamlessly with popular ecommerce platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce with just one click.

The software covers the entire on-site marketing funnel — from popups and landing pages to email, SMS, and push notifications. You can increase sales faster with automated workflows like abandoned carts and welcome messages.

Omnisend’s key features include eCommerce-focused email features. Like recommended products, direct product listings, and unique discount codes. Your email and popup templates can be automatically designed based on your store branding.

If you want an all-in-one solution for acquiring and retaining customers, Omnisend is the way to go. More than 4,000 five-star reviews on Shopify make it a top-rated email marketing solution.


3. Social commerce tools

With more people buying directly from social media, social commerce is booming. Customers don’t have to leave their favorite social media site to make a purchase, so checkout times are faster. Also, you’ll have a lower shopping cart abandonment rate.

You may find social media feeds helpful as a business owner because they’re algorithmic. You know a social network user is interested in your products if they see information from your page recommended to them. They’re more likely to buy from you if they feel this way.

You can use these tools for social commerce:


With more than 130 million items sold, CommentSold helps online sellers boost sales. Many active merchants trust it, and it integrates with social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

CommentSold stands out because you can sell directly to users on Facebook newsfeeds, shoppable Facebook Watch Parties, Instagram Stories, and more. 

But that’s not all! You can also delve into live selling with CommentSold, taking your social commerce game to new heights.

You can share your live shopping broadcasts on social media, your own mobile app, and your own web store. 

That’s right! You can host your live sales on all three channels at once, boosting your reach.


Today, Instagram Shoppable Posts feature is the primary way it facilitates social commerce. Instagram’s visually-driven nature gives it an edge over its social media rivals when it comes to displaying products. 

Using instagram for visual storytelling is perfect. Since it lets you show off products in an appealing way.

By clicking on a Shoppable Post, a user is redirected to the seller’s online store. Fortunately, Instagram has updated Shoppable Posts to allow customers to buy without leaving the app, including an in-app checkout feature.

Also read: Live Shopping on Social Media: Why Facebook and Instagram are Shutting it Down and What it Means for Online Brands

4. Tools for visual commerce

Visual commerce uses eye-catching visuals and augmented reality to attract customers. It makes their shopping experience better. You can make your product images more distinctive and meaningful to your customers with visual commerce technologies.

If you are looking for a visual commerce platform, first understand what technology and tools you need. 

Here’s how to choose a visual commerce platform to elevate your eCommerce store’s visual content through personalization.

Image optimization

Your photos, illustrations, and pictures should be optimized so your content loads quickly. You can have a lot of high-resolution images in your eCommerce store without sacrificing site speed.

For example, you can optimize and resize images on your eCommerce site using the Storyblok Image Service. Using it, you can get high-quality images in the formats and sizes you need.

AR/VR support

Augmented reality (AR) and Virtual reality (VR) have started to gain traction. Your e-commerce website needs AR/VR content to improve the customer experience.

AR lets customers preview products and experience services before they buy, at their pace.

According to Gartner, 30% of Gen Z and millennial customers want AR/VR in their online shopping experiences.

Online retailers are embracing a number of new approaches that make integrating AR and VR easier:

To make online shopping more immersive for your customers, try these:

  • Give your customers access to a virtual environment.
  • Organize online conferences and product launches.
  • Gamify your content by offering special coupons on virtual scratch cards.

Have you ever tried on a dress that looked amazing on a mannequin but looked terrible on you?

Most of us have been there at least once after trying on a new piece of clothing and realizing it doesn’t fit.

Because of that fear, conversion rates may drop. All customers want to make sure they get what they want, so they take all the necessary precautions. You’ll have higher return rates if customers try to buy and fail.

Many businesses already use AR/VR to create better visual marketing and personalize buying experiences. Take a look at some examples:

Clarins: Clarins, a cosmetics company, has a virtual try-on feature on some of its product pages and social media channels. It lets shoppers try on lipstick and eyeshadow without going into a store.


IKEA: IKEA uses augmented reality to show customers how their couches look in their living rooms.

You can also help customers preview their positions. Help your customers answer these queries:

How’s that couch going to look in my living room?

How much space does the TV take up on my wall? 

Even when looking at the item in person, it’s hard to tell, let alone on a computer or phone.

Customers can get answers to these questions from their own space. By using preview placement, they can get a real-time preview of how a product will look.

From “trying on” makeup to “placing” furniture in the lounge, these technologies have the potential to change shopping habits.

Making content cross-channel reusable

Reusability refers to the ability to reuse visual content across multiple channels and areas of your website. It maintains visual consistency across social media sites, apps, browsers, and mobile and desktop platforms.

As a bonus, content reuse makes it easy to give customers an omnichannel experience.

According to Twilio, only 24% of companies are investing in omnichannel personalization, with departmental silos and outdated infrastructure as the main obstacles.

If you’re working with a lot of visual data, you should make sure your visual commerce platform can handle content reuse and omnichannel.

Integration options

When comparing different visual commerce platforms, consider integration options. You’ll save time and money by using the platform that works best with other tools in your tech stack. Your tools have to work together, or you’ll lose important transactions or data.

Storyblok, for instance, is compatible with big e-commerce platforms like Shopware, BigCommerce, and Shopify Plus. Customers can test 3D copies of a product before buying it with a visual configuration tool like Threekit.


5. Landing Page Creation

As I mentioned in the post, landing pages can be very effective in personalizing ecommerce. Customers love personalized landing pages. They increase conversions and engage them. You can use Convertflow to create a personalized and dynamic landing page for your business. 


ConvertFlow’s landing page builder lets you make high-converting landing pages that drive more leads and sales. With its professionally designed templates, you can create the perfect landing page for any marketing campaign in minutes.

Create a custom landing page or use a template. You can easily match your landing pages to your site’s branding, engage your audience, and collect data.

ConvertFlow landing pages are fully mobile responsive, so they work on any device. With easy adjustments for desktop and mobile, you can personalize your landing pages to fit your style. 

It also streamlines your lead generation process by integrating your form fields with your email marketing. 

Just one click connects your ESP/CRM, maps your form fields, and watches your email list grow. You’ll save time and reach your marketing goals with ConvertFlow.

6. Loyalty initiatives

I am not only a content marketer, but also a customer. When the COVID scenario emerged, I began to appreciate simple internet purchasing methods. 

If something interfered with my experience, I used to walk away. 

The other way around is also true. If I find something captivating in an online store, I stay with it because it makes me happy.

I realized that every online transaction I’ve made has resulted in the use of my loyalty card. 

Saving a purchase transaction and getting additional benefits are important to the customer. 

I’ve also found that eCommerce sites employ a variety of strategies to get me to buy more items, more often, and in a variety of combinations. It’s true, the online sellers were creative back then and are getting better.

So I decided to explore them further and discovered the top 5 eCommerce loyalty programs.



Walmart, a leading American multinational retail corporation, needs no introduction. With its chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores, Walmart symbolizes retail success. In fact, it produced a whopping $572.8 billion in revenue in 2022. 

Let’s now dive into the fascinating story of their eCommerce rewards system.

In 2020, Walmart launched Walmart+. It is a membership program that provides members with unparalleled convenience and savings both online and in-store. Walmart+ members can take advantage of exclusive benefits and promotions through their pay&go mobile applications. By subscribing for $12.95 per month or $98 per year, they can enjoy:

  1. Same-day product delivery from the store, saving their valuable time.
  2. Equal prices online and in stores, ensuring fairness.
  3. Flexible delivery times that fit seamlessly into busy schedules.
  4. No minimum order requirement, hassle-free online shopping.
  5. Over 4,000 Walmart pharmacies offer extremely affordable prescriptions.
  6. Over 2,000 convenient locations offer a generous five-cent per gallon discount on gas.
  7. Convenient and safe contact-free checkout.
  8. Added value with exclusive early access to promotions, events, and deals.

With Walmart’s exceptional eCommerce rewards program, they demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and innovation. It exemplifies how a retail giant evolves, adapts, and creates unparalleled experiences for its loyal customers.


SHEIN Bonus Points program

SHEIN, a B2C fast fashion eCommerce platform, sells trendy clothing and accessories. It’s valued at $100 billion in April 2022.

Shein’s Bonus Points program is designed to captivate and reward customers, resulting in repeat purchases. Look at how this program functioned:

Easy Ways to Earn Points
  • Customers can earn 100 points by simply verifying their email address after registering.
  • Every dollar they spend on purchases will earn them 1 point.
  • Leaving reviews on SHEIN products earn points. 5 points for text comments, 10 points for photos, etc.
  • By using the SHEIN app customers can join outfit events, watch live streaming, and participate in contests.
Redeem and Save
  • Customer’s order total can be deducted by up to 70% using points.
  • During special events or games, they can redeem points for coupons.
Standout Features of the SHEIN Bonus Points Program

The SHEIN Bonus Points loyalty program’s best features are:

Rewarding customers for adding things to their wishlist

A buyer can earn points not only by purchasing items, but by displaying their personal interests as well. It’s just one more click for users, but it’s a clear indication of SHEIN’s customer preference. As a next step, marketing managers can build retargeting ads based on this knowledge.

Giving a visual representation of how points turn into money. 

Shein has developed a user-friendly point management system. As soon as shoppers enter the app, they will see what discounts they are entitled to. Customers will also receive a handy notification when their points are about to expire.


Alibaba’s “88 VIP” membership package

Alibaba is not only the largest eCommerce company in China, but possibly the entire world. They’ve gathered a whopping 1.28 billion active users in their global ecosystem in 2021. Wow, that’s some serious online shopping power!

In 2018, Alibaba introduced its “88 VIP” membership package to increase customer loyalty. They reward their most loyal customers with incredible perks through their 88 Membership Club loyalty program. They redefined loyalty, and boy, did they succeed!

To get access to the exclusive benefits, customers must be members of the “88 VIP” tier. There was an annual membership fee of 888 yuan (around $140). It might make you wonder, “Does it really pay off?” Yes, definitely! I’ll tell you why.

Once customers join, they gain access to Alibaba’s entire ecosystem of unbeatable services. 

  • Free same-day delivery to keep things running smoothly, 
  • a sweet 5% discount on every purchase to boost your profits, 
  • and exclusive coupons covering everything from groceries and drugstore items to luxury and designer items. 

What a royal treatment!


Newegg’s EggPoints Program

Newegg is a California-based online retailer specializing in consumer electronics and computer hardware. They have 40.2 million loyal users, so they know how to satisfy tech cravings.

Newegg took customer relationships to the next level with its EggPoints program in 2020. Their loyalty program rewards customers for interacting with their website and loving tech.

Basically, when customers join the EggPoints Program, they earn more points for doing what they already do. 

Customers have to

  • Take part in promotional events and earn extra points.
  • Share their valuable feedback as loyal customers and watch the points roll in.
  • Earn more points by searching for EggPoints badges on products.
  • Watch out for EggPoints Program-tagged products to earn even more.

Here’s what these points are worth. Customers get a dollar for every 100 EggPoints they earn. They earn a point for every dollar they spend before taxes on eligible items. That’s it!

Added bonus: EggPoints could be redeemed on, so they can get even more amazing tech goodies there. Customers kept coming back for more because of this clever move. By understanding their preferences, Newegg planned future campaigns to cater to them.


Why is personalization good for brands and consumers?

Personalization benefits both customers and brands. If you send emails or update websites with relevant, personalized content, customers feel valued.

The business also takes the time and effort to learn about its customers and give them useful info. The brand’s interactions with customers get much better because of these feelings.

Great customer experiences (CX) make brands more popular in the eyes of customers. They are more likely to spend time and money on a company’s goods and services when they get tailored information that matches their needs.

As a result, it increases your sales and profits. 

Personalization builds customer loyalty and trust, increasing the chances of a brand winning hearts, minds, and wallets.

Content personalization uses data. You can better understand your customers if you know who they are. You need to know what they bought in the past and what they need and want now. 

If you know what they’re interested in, you can create content that will engage them. Customers will be more loyal, and sales will go up.

. . .

Best Practices for Creating Personalized Content in eCommerce

To achieve effective personalization in your ecommerce business, it is crucial to follow certain best practices. Here are three recommended approaches:

1. Personalization of demographic content

Demographic personalization divides a target audience into distinct groups depending on demographic and/or behavioral characteristics.

It also involves producing tailored content for each group. As a result, you can divide your customers based on gender, age, or location. The portions could also be based on different criteria, like:

  • Knowledge of languages
  • Work titles 
  • Technology
  • Previous encounters with brands.

Users can get more relevant content if you personalize and segment them. This strategy doesn’t offer a lot of individual-level personalization because it only personalizes at the segment level.

2. Personalizing content based on user data

This technique helps you build detailed user personas based on predetermined behaviors. A customer profile tells you what the target market looks like, what they do, and why they shop.

A persona-based approach goes beyond demographics at the segment level.

You also need to understand their motivations for making a purchase and any obstacles they might face.

With such an understanding, you can relate better to your audiences and address their needs more effectively. Your conversion, sales, and income numbers could be affected.

3. Customer-based personalization

Personalization strategies produce maps that show where their users are in the sales funnel. Through these maps, you can produce and deliver tailored content based on buyer stages.

For example, when a user visits your website for the first time, they might be in the awareness stage. Their goal is to get the information they need to make a purchase decision.

To guide them, you can publish blog posts or product how-to videos to help them understand the company and its offers. 

This way, users go from the awareness stage to the purchase stage.


Personalization vs. Customization: Understanding the Difference

Is it hard to tell the difference between customization and personalization? That’s not just you. 

These two expressions are often interchanged but used differently in marketing. Understanding the subtle differences between both will help you come up with a more effective plan to engage with customers and increase sales. 

Get ready to increase your marketing strategy because it will take some work and dedication.

The power to personalize and customize your customers’ buying experiences is a priceless benefit in the world of eCommerce. 

Customers are demanding customized and personalized experiences as online shopping becomes more popular. They want assistance in finding the products and services they need.

I’ve explained personalization in detail in the article. But how is personalization different from customization? Let’s dive into it.


The Advantages of Customization in eCommerce

Numerous advantages of customization in eCommerce can make your company stand out from the competition.

Personalization and customization, and their implications and meanings, are extremely different. 

What choice is preferable? 

What’s best will depend on your objectives and how you achieve them. Both of them strive to cater marketing interactions to consumer preferences. But in order to get there, they follow different routes.

By personalizing, you can display features or content to customers that are relevant to their interests. For instance, if someone has already purchased fitness gear, you can suggest complementary goods like supplements or activity trackers. You can carry it out for individuals or for groups of people who share similar interests.

Alternatively, customization occurs when customers can make their own changes to meet their tastes. This can include allowing users to choose the color of a product or to add or remove features. 

You can offer a more personalized experience for your customers through customization. More people will notice your brand, and your customers will be happier.

You might get premiums from customers if you customize your products. Take a look at how e-commerce companies can approach their personalization strategies and satisfy customer needs for more customization.

In fact, according to Deloitte study, more than half of consumers prefer personalization and customization options. 1 in 5 customers wants personalized items and will pay a 20% premium. If your business allows customers to customize their products on a large scale, they will purchase more and spend more with you.

How Customization Empowers Customers to Meet Their Tastes

Imagine you’re browsing online stores, looking for a retailer that offers customizable furniture. 

You can now step up your game and allow your customers to design their dream living space.

By offering customization, you can sell more than furniture by giving customers the chance to express their individual tastes. 

A sofa that fits their living room and complements their style is what they want. You’re here to make it happen! 

Think about the impact this might have on your business. You’ll have customers swarming to your store, eager to create custom furniture. Your shop will quickly become the go-to location for customers looking for personalized home decor as word of mouth spreads like wildfire.

The buzz, however, doesn’t end there. 

You’re building a better relationship with your customers by offering custom options. You give them an opportunity to show off their unique personalities in their homes. And that’s what cultivates loyal customers who buy again and again.

Some of the brands that are already offering customization at their best are discussed below.


Examples of businesses that offer fantastic online product customization

Certainly, customization will change depending on your business’s type and range of goods. But you can get some ideas for successful product customization from these examples.

These might give you inspiration for your own successful customization techniques, regardless of the industry you work in.

1. Nike:

Nike allows customers to design customized shoes. This brand excels at letting customers express themselves. 

Shoppers can design their own shoes from scratch with their customization tools. They can choose colors, add personalized lettering, and make a pair that is uniquely theirs.


2. Medelita:

This brand offers customized lab coats for the smartest professionals. Doctors and scientists need to look their best while doing their jobs. That’s why Medelita makes them look great.

Because of this, they sell stylish lab coats that can be customized. Buyers can add their name, department, and even a logo to their lab coats.


3. Pottery Barn: 

Customers can customize bedding and towels to fit their dream spaces. Pottery Barn knows how important it is to furnish a house to show off the customer’s style. 

They let customers add monograms to traditional bedding and towels in various layouts, fonts, and thread colors. 

They have taken customization to new heights by incorporating personalized touches into their designs.


4. Starbucks:

I like coffee that makes me think. 

Starbucks isn’t just about the coffee, it’s about the experience. Customers can completely customize their drinks, setting the bar for customization. 

Starbucks makes sure its customers get the perfect cup of coffee. 

From the milk options to the flavors and extras, they can customize everything.


5. Knoll:

You can learn a thing or two about strategic customization from Knoll. They know the pros and cons of customization. 

They found that offering too many options overwhelmed customers and led to cart abandonment. 

By using clever strategies like numbering options, email sharing, and cart saving, they improved their conversion rates.

Take customization inspiration from these companies to make your products stand out. You shouldn’t just see customization as a trend. But as a tool to engage clients and create life-changing experiences. 

When customers have a customization option, it means they get control and can personalize things to their liking. 

On the other hand, personalization puts the site in control, adapting things for you. Both can make your experience better, but only if they’re done thoughtfully and carefully.


E-commerce Personalization Examples and Best Practices

Too much personalization can be a problem. Customers may feel like they’re being watched if e-commerce businesses get too personal. 

It could hurt your business. 

You should be mindful of the balance between personalization and privacy. 

Let customers choose how much information they want to share, and respect their preferences. Also, make sure their data is secure and not misused.

This is called ethical personalization, which I’ll explain in more detail later in this article.

When done right, personalization can dramatically impact the customer experience and drive business. 

Check out these brands that have embraced personalization smartly.


1. Amazon:

Amazon has a lot of information about customers, including their browsing and purchase histories. Using this information, Amazon makes personalized product recommendations. 

When customers sign into their Amazon accounts, they receive personalized recommendations based on their previous purchases and browsing history.

For example, Amazon can suggest camera accessories, photography books, or other relevant items if a customer just bought a new camera. 

Similarly, if a buyer is looking for running shoes, Amazon may suggest running accessories or athletic wear.

This data-driven approach to personalized recommendations is a big part of Amazon’s success. 

Amazon can find patterns and preferences in massive data sets. This would be impossible for a human to spot by applying machine learning algorithms to analyze it. 

This enables the business to deliver recommendations that are highly specific and relevant to the needs and interests of each customer. 

Personalized suggestions benefit Amazon by increasing sales, improving customer loyalty, and enhancing the customer experience. 

People are more likely to buy from Amazon again and recommend it to others if they feel like the company knows what they’re looking for.


2. Sephora:

Sephora divides its customers into segments depending on their beauty product preferences and purchasing patterns. 

Sephora analyzes this data to provide personalized product recommendations, promotions, and content to each customer segment. 

This includes skincare, makeup, or scents. With this approach, customers have a more relevant and enjoyable shopping experience. They get content and products tailored to them.

If a customer is a fan of natural skincare, Sephora may suggest various natural skincare brands and offer discounts. 

Sephora has a lot of makeover options. It includes full-face makeovers and mini-makeovers that focus on a single area.

For example, the perfect foundation shade or brows and lashes.

The Sephora app makes it easy to book this service. It also fits nicely with the brand’s product recommendations. Every product used now appears in the app, so customers can buy it right away.

There’s no doubt that Sephora nails mobile personalization with its app.

Similarly, Sephora may send customers personalized content on the newest makeup trends. It also offers promotions on well-known makeup brands if a customer buys a lot. 

With a personalized experience, Sephora can boost customer satisfaction and loyalty, which improves their sales and revenue.


3. ASOS:

The online clothing store ASOS offers personalized content to customers based on their data.

This contains information catered to each customer’s interests and tastes, as well as personalized product and styling suggestions. It’s like having a personal stylist who knows your tastes and makes tailored suggestions based on your preferences.

For example, a user is looking at summer dresses. ASOS may suggest dresses in related styles and provide styling tips on how to wear them. 

Similar to this, ASOS can give a customer who has been buying a lot of sportswear personalized info on the newest sportswear trends. It also offers promotions from well-known sportswear companies.

Customers are more likely to invest in products and content tailored to their unique interests and choices.

Another feature that makes ASOS stand out is its personalized size and fit recommendations. 

This is based on information from previous purchases, returns, and ratings. Customers benefit from finding the ideal fit and size for their body type. This feature lowers returns and increases customer satisfaction. 

A cool feature on their website is the Style Match Quiz. It asks visitors questions about their fashion tastes. Based on the answers, ASOS provides product suggestions that match the customer’s style. It helps customers find stuff they wouldn’t have thought about before with this tailored approach. 

This encourages customers to keep returning to the website, as they can be sure they will discover something new.

Last but not least, trend recommendations. Based on browsing and purchasing history, ASOS offers personalized trend recommendations to users. This enhances the buying experience by helping clients discover fresh looks and trends.


4. Stitch Fix:

Stitch Fix is an online styling service that offers personalized outfit suggestions using data science and machine intelligence. 

On this website, customers fill out a style profile that contains information about their size, fit and style preferences, and apparel budget. 

Based on the result of that quiz, customers can choose a personal stylist. That stylist helps them pick products that suit their interests and budget based on their style profile.

Stitch Fix aims to make shopping more convenient for its customers by bringing them curated finds based on their style. This saves time and hassle. 

Stitch Fix has a team of expert stylists that handpick items to match customer preferences and styles. The company has received positive reviews from customers who appreciate Stitch Fix’s personalized experience.

In recent years, Stitch Fix’s personalized styling service has grown in popularity. This is especially true for time-pressed professionals and people who can’t shop on their own. It eases the process of sorting through a plethora of apparel options online for those customers who don’t have the time. 

The business has also been hailed for its inclusivity since it caters to customers of all shapes and sizes. 

Stitch Fix has become a go-to resource for people who want stylish and fit-well clothes.


Common pitfalls to avoid when personalizing

The companies that focused on e-commerce led the digital revolution as Covid-19 swept the world. As fewer people left their homes, online sales soared.

Despite the benefits of e-commerce, not everyone is on board. Those who were hesitant realized how important it is to have a well-thought-out e-commerce strategy and a strong online presence. 

The laggards now have a tougher and more expensive task ahead of them: catching up. 

“Is it too late to start now?” is everyone’s question. The answer is no, although it can be harder.

Between 2021 and 2025, the e-commerce market will expand by $10.87 trillion. With more companies going online because of the epidemic, digitalization around the world got faster. Even though limitations have been relaxed, e-commerce sales are up. The Statista analysis projects a $3.3 trillion global e-commerce market by 2025.

If you want to accelerate your e-commerce strategies, avoid common pitfalls. Here are three to watch out for:


1. Buyer/audience personas are unclear

You have to understand your customers to run a successful business, especially in e-commerce. 

Personalize the customer experience and drive real-time decisions with e-commerce platforms integrated with ERP and CRM systems. 

Customers want personalized content, and disappointing them can be costly. A study by Epsilon found that personalization increases customers’ likelihood to buy by almost 80%. Keep a 360-degree view of your consumers’ behavior to prevent higher operating costs and a lower ROI.


2. A disengaged marketing strategy

The development of a brand requires a thoughtful marketing plan. By building your brand, you can increase conversion rates and eventually get new customers. 

Find the right balance between paid and organic channels to retain customers. Invest in your brand if you want to take advantage of e-commerce personalization and digital marketing.


3. Uncertain Measurement Frameworks

E-commerce businesses make the mistake of not having a key performance indicator (KPI) framework. When you measure indicators and KPIs in an unorganized way, you might make the wrong decision. 

Create a sound analytics strategy. Learn how to get true incrementality so you don’t lose money and don’t miss out on the right stuff.

As a manager and ecommerce business owner, make sure you are alert and flexible. Find the validity of your approach, and know your product and your target market.

But remember, never allow a mistake to prevent you from growing.


Also read: What is Phygital? How It will Shape Retail Trends in 2023

The Ethics of Personalization in E-commerce

Don’t you hate seeing ads for things you don’t want? How do companies seem to know so much about you?

One of the most efficient and effective marketing tactics is measuring consumer behavior. It’s a win-win situation when the strategy works successfully.

When users browse, they seek a personalization plan. They also want businesses to maintain their privacy and use their data legally and ethically. 

So, how do you walk that tightrope? How do you use personal data without abusing it?

The downside is that with great power comes great responsibility. There are ethical concerns to consider when it comes to personalized e-commerce.


How to Create an Ethical Personalization Strategy

The bright side is that you can learn how to do ethical personalization by modifying marketing methods. To get you started, here’s some stuff I’d like to share with you.


Check who your audience is

Let’s start with making sure you’re targeting the right people. There are ethical concerns about personalization, and one of them is discrimination. 

Let’s say you’re promoting an anti-aging serum that’s almost out of stock. You’ll miss out on potential sales and create a bias if you target just certain age groups. 

Use interest-based targeting to match your products or services with customers who are likely to be interested. 

You won’t just increase sales, but you’ll also avoid perpetuating stereotypes that could hurt your business.


Collect and uphold preferences

If your customers trust you, they will share their information with you. You have to earn your consumers’ trust by gathering, preserving, and acting on their info. 

The more clear your personalization plan is, the easier it will be for users to understand what data they should provide.

Talk to your customers about how you can use their data. Is it possible to use it to personalize offers during a single buying session? Or to send them deals later on? 

Data becomes a tool to exchange trust when customers are satisfied.


Don’t send too many messages.

Nobody wants to be bombarded with emails from your company. But they do appreciate the right message at the right time. 

That means less is more. 

Your customers will trust you if you pay attention to quality and timing. Also, it saves you time and resources, and it prevents you from sending unwelcome or impersonal emails.


Transparency and user control in personalized e-commerce

It all starts with user consent. The average user doesn’t know what data is being collected or how it will be used. 

You should explain why you’re asking for their location. Data sharing isn’t mandatory. Users can opt-out.

Be transparent about what data you’re collecting and how you’ll use it. This protects user privacy and builds trust between brands and customers.


A privacy-friendly approach to personalization

It’s important to strike a balance between personalization and privacy concerns. You should protect your users’ privacy, even if personalization makes them happy. Data collection and its use need to be ethical and transparent, so be careful.

You can achieve this balance by using privacy-enhancing technology. 

For example, you can use differential privacy to collect data while allowing personalized experiences. Add noise to data sets to protect individual privacy while still analyzing and personalizing them.

The other way to strike this balance is to minimize your data, also known as minimization. It’s all about collecting only the information you need for personalized services. You can limit how much data you collect and store to protect user privacy.

Adopting data ethics best practices early on could save you money. If you have a poorly managed or inconsistent personalization strategy, it can be expensive to fix. There are direct costs and reputational damage from unsecured data or creepy marketing.

To make sure your customer data is handled responsibly and transparently, you should prioritize data ethics. 

You’ll not only avoid costly mistakes, but you’ll also build trust and strengthen customer relationships.


The Future of Personalization in E-commerce

Technology, analytics, and data have enabled digital marketers to construct highly personalized customer journeys across a variety of channels. 

It’s not just about the physical entrance anymore. The stats are intriguing, but only 15% of sellers think personalization works for their business. 

I’ve got some suggestions for future personalization in e-commerce:


Personalized Offers and Pricing

There are so many platforms out there for online buyers today. The result is that customers have a lot of options when it comes to shopping. 

Back then, companies had to research many pricing points to figure out which offered the best profits. Even if it meant rejecting some potential customers.

By personalizing products, you can offer different pricing based on past behavior and the purchasing power of your customers. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) will make it easier to draw broad strokes. 

Customers will be able to buy the goods and services they need at the exact cost based on their previous purchases. 

AI and ML algorithms will empower you to analyze vast amounts of customer data, identify patterns, and make data-driven pricing and promotion decisions.

Personalized offers ensure that customers receive offers that are relevant to their needs and preferences.


Upgrades in subscription services

You’ll probably see more and more people today opting for subscription services instead of buying things. The reason for this change is personalization. 

There are brands that show ecommerce will be dominated by personalization through subscription services. 

The subscription-based razor company, Dollar Shave Club, has seen immense success since launching in 2012. It now offers a range of products, from shaving products to skincare items. 

Free or paid, customers won’t hesitate to invest their money in a service that offers a compelling experience.


Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications

By counting on customers before you get them, AI and ML can scale personalization to a whole new level. 

ML will also personalize the language of e-commerce sites based on their visitors. 

Users will be able to find answers to their inquiries with ML’s help. 

Unlike automated standard responses, this isn’t what most websites do anymore. Using these technologies, websites will be able to provide relevant recommendations based on a customer’s prior purchases. 

This is when they want to buy a product they have already purchased. 

Additionally, you can offer relevant content to support your customers in completing their transactions.


Omnichannel marketing automation

Automation and personalization are strongly related concepts. 

With the continued expansion of omnichannel marketing, automation will become increasingly important. 

In a Harvard Business School survey, 73% of consumers said they wanted to buy through multiple channels. 

Omnichannel marketing presents many obstacles. 

Still, it’ll give eCommerce companies countless chances to personalize their products across all of their channels with automation.


Personalize your ecommerce journey by integrating Arvia 1:1 feature

Just imagine: your customers are browsing your online store, and suddenly they can chat with a real person. They have a virtual personal shopper right at their fingertips! You can deliver personalized help, show off products in real-time, and answer questions instantly with Arvia. It’s the best way to build trust, boost conversions, and leave a lasting impression.

Don’t let your competitors steal the show. Stand out from the pack and give your customers a reason to choose you. Try Arvia’s game-changing video chat feature today and see how true personalization works.

Take the leap and join the personalization revolution with Arvia to transform your ecommerce business. You’re just a few steps away from success. Click here to see a huge increase in sales if you start now


Final thoughts on personalization in ecommerce:

Ecommerce personalization has become an established practice, so if you haven’t embraced it yet, don’t worry. You still have time to take advantage of it. With cutting-edge innovations and technologies, the possibilities for personalization are expanding at an unprecedented rate. 

Personalized experiences are becoming the norm. If you act now, you’ll be able to provide your customers and your business with invaluable services.

Don’t wait any longer. Seize the moment and embrace ecommerce personalization for a prosperous future and endless possibilities.


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