Live Broadcasting
for Online Shopping.

Thousands of people will watch your product presentations right on your website.
People are posing
Jack&Jonhs Logo - Arvia's Live Video Shopping Client
Oral-B Logo - Arvia's Live Video Shopping Clientl
Braun Logo - Arvia's Live Video Shopping Client
Baby Mall Logo - Braun Logo - Arvia's Live Video Shopping Client
Ever wished your customers could
interact with you live? Now they can.

Customers can chat, send likes, respond to polls and questions, view and buy highlighted products. Send them sales notifications when you add new live sales or discounts.

Allow customers to explore products by clicking on the highlighted product.

Once a product is clicked, the user can see product information including description, price, size, etc

Choose how you want to shop—click “Buy” to make a purchase using Arvia 1-click checkout or add the product to the native shopping cart.
mobile display1

Ever wished your customers could interact with you live? Now they can.

Customers can chat, send likes, respond to polls and questions, view and buy highlighted products. Send them sales notifications when you add new live sales or discounts.

mobile display

Allow customers to explore products by clicking on the highlighted product.

Once a product is clicked, the user can see product information including description, price, size, etc

mobile display2

Choose how you want to shop—click “Buy” to make a purchase using Arvia 1-click checkout or add the product to the native shopping cart.



Quick & Easy Integration

With the Overlay Widget customers can join a video call with your expert in just one click.

The widget is available on all devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets and mobiles.

clicky icon

1 Click to checkout

Users can select a product from the list and click on it to see the product description, price and other related details.

Also, users add the product to their shopping cart using 1-click checkout or add the item manually to the shopping cart.


Track & Analyze

All broadcasting analytics are on your fingertips!

• How many people joined?

• Sales conversions details

• Likes, shares, comments and questions

icon search and highlight

Real-Time Product Search and Highlight

Search for products on your eCommerce site and instantly showcase them during your live broadcast. There is no need to add products beforehand – you can discover and feature them on the fly. This creates a dynamic and engaging shopping experience for your audience and sets you apart from competitors.

Arvia Live Stream Shopping Provides a
New Way to Shop.

The users can click on the highlighted product to see the product information including description, price and size. Click “Buy” to make a purchase using Arvia 1-click checkout or add the product to the native shopping cart. Learn how it works!

live stream commerce, customer side view and some charts from arvia dahsboard

What is Phygital Commerce?

Phygital commerce is a term used to describe the integration of physical and digital elements in the shopping experience. It involves using technology and digital platforms to enhance the in-store shopping experience or to create a seamless shopping experience across physical and digital channels.

Livestream shopping can be considered one application of phygital commerce, as it involves the use of live video streams or broadcasts to showcase and sell products or services to a wide audience.

What is Live Commerce?

Live commerce is a type of e-commerce that involves selling products or services through live video streams.

Live commerce is a relatively new and rapidly evolving trend in e-commerce that offers businesses a unique and engaging way to connect with and sell to their customers.

Arvia offers 2 types of Live Commerce solutions.
1- One-on-One Live Video Shopping helps you to offer private, personalized shopping experiences that are conducted through live video calls.
2- Livestream Shopping allows you to reach and sell to a broad range of audiences in a fun and exciting way.

What is Livestream Shopping?

Livestream shopping refers to using live video streams to sell products or services to a large audience in real-time. It can also be called “live selling” or “live broadcast selling.

During a Livestream shopping event, the host demonstrates and talks about the products, answers viewer questions, and helps with orders or purchases. These events can be planned in advance or spontaneous, and they can be for a specific audience or open to everyone.

Livestream shopping is a fun and growing trend in e-commerce that combines the convenience and reach of online shopping. It also adds the interactivity and immediacy of live video, letting businesses connect with and sell to their customers in real-time.

Overall, all of these terms refer to the same concept and can be used interchangeably to describe the use of live video streams or broadcasts for e-commerce purposes.

Why should I add Livestream shopping to my eCommerce site?

There are several benefits to adding Livestream shopping to an e-commerce website:

  1. Increased engagement: Livestream shopping is a more engaging and interactive way to sell products. It lets businesses demonstrate features and benefits in real-time and interact with viewers through live Q&A sessions or polls.
  2. Improved conversion rates: Livestream shopping can effectively drive sales and improve conversion rates, allowing businesses to build a personal connection with their customers and showcase their products in a more engaging and interactive way.
  3. Greater reach: Livestream shopping allows businesses to reach a broad audience of potential customers, as it can be viewed by anyone with an internet connection. This can be especially useful for companies that want to reach beyond their local market.
  4. Increased brand awareness: Livestream shopping can help businesses build brand awareness and customer loyalty by creating a more personal and engaging shopping experience.
  5. New revenue streams: Livestream shopping can create new revenue streams for businesses by providing a new channel for selling their products and services.

Adding Livestream shopping to an e-commerce website can help businesses increase engagement, improve conversion rates, reach a wider audience, build brand awareness, and create new revenue streams.