In the digital world, changing consumer behaviors, technological developments, and requirements such as adapting to new rules have made digital transformation essential for every business. So what is digital transformation? First, we can say that digital transformation is a combination that ensures efficiency, customer satisfaction, and value creation by integrating digital technologies into all institution processes. However, it is necessary to see this as a holistic process, not just the use of certain technologies within the organization and the transition to digital.
For example, signing contracts digitally, video calling meetings, or transitioning to cloud technology reflects digital transformation but is only part of the process. While businesses are undergoing digital transformation, they should ensure that all units work in an integrated manner and that the corporate culture and technologies are blended correctly.
Why is Digital Transformation Important?
In general terms of digital transformation, it is imperative to adapt to the changing world, maintain work efficiency and stay up to your competitors. To understand the importance of digital transformation, we can take a brief look at the benefits it provides to institutions:
- More efficient work
- Increase in customer satisfaction
- Minimizing operational errors
- Value creation
- Steady growth and more significant output generation
As a result of the correct implementation of digital transformation, businesses can increase their market share both in the short and long term and get ahead of their competitors. Furthermore, with the change in consumer behavior, businesses that can adapt to digital and provide 24/7 service will always be one step forward.
Especially after the pandemic, the speed of transition of businesses to digital transformation has increased. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Digital Transformation Expenditure Guide dated May 2020;
Organizational spending on digital transformation continues at a solid pace despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Digital investments increased by 10.4 percent in 2020, reaching 1.3 trillion dollars.
This growth rate is predicted to increase exponentially in 2022 and beyond. But, at the same time, there will be a danger of being deleted from the sector for businesses that cannot adapt to this transformation.
How Do You Get Started with Digital Transformation?
To start the digital transformation, you first need to determine your strategy. This strategy will require an action plan for digital transformation that includes analyzing your business and identifying the needs for change. For this, you first need to examine specific metrics and observe the processes you need to develop. Before investing in digital transformation, you must ask yourself a few questions. How can you get things done faster at the current level? Which technologies should you use to increase customer satisfaction? How can business processes be improved to create added value? After answering all these questions, we will also touch on a few details you should pay attention to when setting up your strategy.
Set Your Business Goals
What results do you want to achieve? This is the first question you need to answer. Thanks to the answer to this question, you will understand what results to focus on with digital transformation and which units need more intensive work.
Choose Your Companions and Partners Well
You must carefully examine your units, managers, and business partners in transition who will accompany you on this journey. Remember that all business units should work jointly and integrate during this process. In addition, it will make your job easier if you explain the aims of your institution to your business partners who offer innovative technology opportunities.
Retrain Employees
You need to train your staff professionally to adapt to digital transformation and not have any problems in the process. Not everyone can master new technologies. As a business, your correct information and training of your entire team about the process will eliminate the problems that may arise in the workflow.
Digital Transformation Technologies
Correct analysis of digital transformation technologies and choosing the appropriate transformation technology for your business will increase your success in direct proportion. Thanks to these technologies, you can optimize your productivity, create added value, reduce losses in business processes, increase customer satisfaction, and grow. So how would you like to get brief information about some of the most known and promising digital transformation technologies? Let’s start.
Big Data
One of the concepts we have heard the most in recent years is the concept of big data. To describe big data simply, we can say that it is the processable form of data obtained from search engines, research and observations, social media and many sources. Big data allows businesses to develop the right strategies by examining customer behaviors and trends in detail.
Cloud Technology
Cloud technology is a digital transformation technology that many businesses have used successfully in recent years. Thanks to cloud technology, hardware, and infrastructure costs are significantly reduced. At the same time, company data security is provided at a high level. As a result, all teams can easily access the data and work more efficiently.
Artificial intelligence
One of the terms we hear the most in recent years is artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is one of the leading digital transformation technologies for all industries. With machine learning technology, computing, and artificial intelligence to make complex decisions, businesses can access a lot of analytical data they couldn’t before.
Augmented Reality
This technology, which has been used frequently in sectors such as medicine, retail and automotive, makes the connection between the physical and digital worlds uninterrupted. This technology, which has been used in many sectors in recent years, offers a more realistic experience. Businesses combine the virtual world and real life by using this technology in marketing materials such as banners, billboards, and animations.
Internet of Things (IoT)
To explain the internet of things simply, it is a technology that enables objects to exchange data through an internet connection. This technology allows data collection, sending, and processing through web-enabled intelligent devices. Its many applications make our daily life more accessible; it has much use for institutions. In addition, it offers different benefits to businesses, especially in production and industrial processes.
In the coming years, digital transformation will eventually become a necessity that you must adapt to and adapt to your business. It would be best if you kept up with this change to not fall behind your competitors, lose your place in the sector, and maintain your growth regularly.